Principal's Report

Covid-19 Lockdown Ends
It was pleasing to see all students return to face-to-face learning today after the recent lockdown and I want to congratulate them for their application during this period of remote learning. I also want to say thank you to the staff who have continued to demonstrate that they are highly adaptable and committed to seeing their students progress. While we return to face-to-face learning it is with some restrictions remaining in place for at least another week that will limit the opportunities for excursions and visitors onsite. Students must continue to wear a mask indoors and when travelling on public transport and are required to continue good hygiene practices such as routinely washing hands, not sharing food and using non-contact greetings. Students must not attend school if unwell and, if the symptoms are Covid-like, they should be tested. Those with underlying conditions, like hayfever and asthma, should attend school unless their symptoms are different or worse than usual.
Changes to Upcoming Events
The end of Term 2 hosts a number of special programs at virtually every year level and over recent days there has been great uncertainty as to how many events would be able to proceed as planned given lockdown restrictions. With the exception of events requiring interstate travel which have had to be postponed, we are cautiously optimistic that most of the other programs will be able to proceed either as planned or with minor modifications. The Heads of School will notify families as we are able to further confirm arrangements over coming days.
Announcement by Fr Tony Doran
Fr Tony Doran announced to parishioners of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Ringwood last weekend that the Archbishop had appointed him to the parish of Strathmore effective 14 July 2021. Fr Tony has been a wonderful support to 快播 College in his role as President of the Association of Canonical Administrators and chaplain. As a trained secondary school teacher himself, Fr Tony has insight into the nature of the work undertaken by teachers and the important role that the Catholic school plays in furthering the mission of the church and we wish Fr Tony well in his new assignment. There has been no announcement as to a replacement for Fr Tony at the time of writing.
Annual Report to the College Community
An aspect of our compliance with the requirements of the Australian Government is the publication of an Annual Report to the College Community. The report reflects our very full and diverse program at 快播 and also shows the progress that is being made in terms of improving student outcomes and the learning environment. I would like to thank all who contributed to ensure that we have produced a comprehensive account of a really different and challenging 2020 academic year at 快播 and to Ms Madeleine Kalla who compiles this report. The report is published on the .
School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council conducted a virtual meeting on Tuesday evening and Chair, Mr Paul Ayton, commenced by acknowledging that this was the last meeting for Fr Tony Doran and offered thanks for his generous service to the School Advisory Council. Fr Tony expressed some sadness in leaving Ringwood, but also a new challenge as Archbishop Comensoli calls on Parish Priests to serve clusters of parishes to help address a decline in numbers of ordained ministers. Mr Ayton also wanted me to thank the staff for their efforts to continue to support the students during this recent period of lockdown. He also wanted members to know that in achieving accreditation with the Council of International Schools(CIS), and with such a glowing report, we should be looking for opportunity to celebrate in our broader community our achievements. To this extent, the School Advisory Council will dedicate its Seminar Evening in late July to unpacking the CIS Report and our next School Improvement Plan.
Junior Musical
The Junior Musical has had to be postponed due to restrictions on visitors and is rescheduled for August 25th, 27th and 28th.
Year 7 Enrolment Reminder
A reminder to our families that applications for enrolment in Year 7 for 2023 close on Friday August 20 and that we will not presume that you wish to enrol your Year 5 child just because you have an older child currently enrolled at the College. Please contact the College Registrar, Ms Madeleine Kalla on 9259 3008, should you have any questions.
Illuminare - 60th Birthday edition
In recognition of 快播 College's 60th anniversary we have started preparations for a commemorative edition of Illuminare which is due out in mid Term 3. If you are an 快播 Alumni and have not joined our alumni contact list, I would encourage you to do so . Our Marketing and Development Team will be reaching out shortly to our alumni group inviting them to share stories, memories, photos and archival material. If you would like any further information please contact
Advance Notice
Term 3 commences for all students on Tuesday, July 13. Monday, July 12 is a designated Staff Professional Learning Day and is therefore a student free day. Teaching staff will be continuing their professional development in regards to Restorative Practices, and Visible Thinking. Thank you for your continued support.
Darren Atkinson