Principal's Report

Welcome Back to Term 2
I trust that you had an enjoyable Easter with an opportunity to spend time together with family and friends, or perhaps you finally had a long awaited chance to travel within Australia. Our students have returned amidst a further easing of COVID-19 restrictions as they relate to the quarantining of close contacts. We still have quite significant numbers reporting to us that they have tested positive and are in isolation and I thank everyone for their diligence in these matters. Parents/guardians will continue to receive notification from me if a positive case has shared class time with your child/children.
COVID-19 Update
There are some important changes to COVIDSafe measures for schools that will apply from the start of Term 2.
- Face masks
Face masks, while recommended, are not required at school unless you are a household contact of a positive case. Any student or staff member who wishes to wear a mask may do so and should feel comfortable to follow this recommendation. - Rapid antigen test screening requirements
Students who have tested positive for COVID-19, and have completed their 7-day isolation period, now do not need to undertake rapid antigen test (RAT) screening for 12 weeks after their release from isolation. This was previously 8 weeks. RAT screening will continue for at least the first 4 weeks of Term 2. - Household contacts
Students who are household contacts of a COVID-19 case are not required to quarantine. They may return to school as long as they undertake rapid antigen tests (RAT) 5 times during their 7-day period. They are required to notify the school that they are a household contact. Students who are household contacts are required to wear face masks when indoors at school unless they have a valid exemption. If a student household contact returns a positive RAT result, they must isolate for 7 days.
Our ANZAC Day celebration at the College on the morning of April 26 was conducted in our Homerooms with a shared prayer and reflection. Once again, our student body responded as appropriate and showed genuine respect in their silence for those who have sacrificed so much in the arenas of war and as peacekeepers. Thanks to our music students who played the last post and, in so doing, added so much to this solemn occasion.
Parent Teacher Meetings
Parent Teacher Meetings concluded this week. Thank you to those who were able to take advantage of this opportunity to discuss the progress of their children. I also wish to extend my thanks to the teaching and support staff for their continued efforts to provide meaningful feedback to you on your child鈥檚 progress. I appreciate that despite their best efforts, some teachers quickly fill all available booking times and I ask for your understanding and patience should you wish to look for another mutually suitable time to meet.
Valedictory Dinner
Last week we finally were able to gather to celebrate with our graduating class of 2021 and farewell them as they move to the next stage of their lives. There was a great spirit in the room at the Sofitel Melbourne on Collins and everyone seemed really happy to be able to gather as a year level again. There were 88 families in attendance whose youngest or only child was graduating and we were able to say farewell and thank these members of our community for their contribution to the College. Awards were offered to students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership during their time at the College and the night ended with a packed dance floor. Thanks to the 2021 Coordinators, Ms Daley and Mr Buchanan, Ms Sharon Hill and especially Mrs Liz Grierson for the huge amount of work that went into staging this event so successfully.
Ringwood City Soccer Club
During the holidays, Mr Michael Sukkar MP pledged $2 million towards the development of a second soccer pitch for Ringwood City Soccer Club in partnership with Maroondah City Council. 快播 College would be the site of this new pitch and we would have access during the school day. We thank Mr Sukkar and the Maroondah Council for their support of this initiative that will benefit the wider community.
Enrolment for Year 7 2024 - current 快播 families
Families are reminded that we do not presume that you require a place in Year 7 unless we are made aware by the completion of an application form and, with very high demand on places, there is the risk of no vacancy if you miss the deadline. Applications are now open for Year 7 2024 (current Grade 5) and close on August 19. Please contact Ms Maddy Kalla on 9259 3008 or should you require an application form or have any questions.
Uniform Changeover
We have a two week transition period in which winter or summer uniforms can be worn and from Monday, 9th May, all students must be in full winter uniform. Details of the College winter uniform .
Darren Atkinson