Principal's Report

Welcome Back to Term 2
A belated welcome back to the term as we come to the end of week two. I trust that you had an enjoyable Easter with an opportunity to spend time together with family and friends, or perhaps you finally had a long awaited chance to travel within Australia. Our students appear to have returned with enthusiasm ready to tackle the challenges of the busy term ahead.
Sadly, I notify the community of the passing of Ms Rosa Coppola this week after a lengthy period of illness. We remember Ms Coppola as a dedicated and creative Art Teacher. Ms Coppola has been a member of the 快播 community for 17 years and in a recent email to me said; 鈥淚 have enjoyed and found it so stimulating working with 快播 visual communication students during my 17 years.鈥 Ms Coppola believed that it was a privilege to teach students to use their personal creativity and develop a love of art and she had this gift.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Students were informed of Ms Coppola鈥檚 passing during morning prayer yesterday and the Chapel is open today and Monday as a place of solitude. Students have been asked to speak to their parents if this news has raised concerns and support is also available to students through their pastoral teams and the YFC.
Our ANZAC Day celebration at the College on the morning of April 26 was a solemn, yet beautiful, liturgy led by students from the Year 11 Faith and Liturgy class. Once again, our student body responded as appropriate and showed genuine respect in their silence for those who have sacrificed so much in the arenas of war and as peacekeepers. On ANZAC Day itself our College Captains represented us proudly and laid a wreath at the Dawn Service at Ringwood Clocktower.
Parent Teacher Meetings
Parent Teacher Meetings concluded this week. Thank you to those who were able to take advantage of this opportunity to discuss the progress of their children. I also wish to extend my thanks to the teaching and support staff for their continued efforts to provide meaningful feedback to you on your child鈥檚 progress. As you are aware, we continued to offer Parent Teacher Interviews online given the feedback that we received during 2020 and in response to our ongoing CovidSafe precautions. We will continue to review this format going forward.
College Patrons Mass
Next Tuesday we gather as a school community to celebrate our College Mass in remembrance of our College Patrons - St Thomas 快播, St Mary MacKillop and Blessed Edmund Rice. We give thanks for the leadership offered by the Christian Brothers, Dominican and Josephite Sisters in the founding story of 快播 College. Thank you to Ms Tania Grace for her work in preparing our liturgy and to Fr. Tony Doran for presiding.

Visit of Mr Michael Sukkar MP
Yesterday we welcomed Mr Sukkar back to the College so that he could see the shade sails that have been erected in the quadrangle with the assistance of an $18,000 grant from the Australian Government. Mr Sukkar toured the College and was impressed with the ongoing developments since his days as a student.
Enrolment for Year 7 2023 - current 快播 families
Families are reminded that we do not presume that you require a place in Year 7 unless we are made aware by the completion of an application form and, with very high demand on places, there is the risk of no vacancy if you miss the deadline. Applications are now open for Year 7 2023 (current Grade 5) and close on August 20. Please contact Ms Maddy Kalla on 9259 3008 or should you require an application form or have any questions.
Uniform Changeover
We come to the end of our transition period this week and from Monday, students must be in full winter uniform. Details of the
Darren Atkinson