Principal's Report

Catholic Education Week
This week is Catholic Education Week and the theme for 2022 is based on Archbishop Comensoli鈥檚 pastoral letter . Representatives from our schools gathered together to celebrate Catholic education at St Patrick鈥檚 Cathedral on Thursday as an important sign of our unity. Many Catholic schools conduct their Open Days during this week and 快播 is no exception with our College on display this Sunday.
Open Day
A reminder that this Sunday, March 20, is Open Day from 12pm to 3pm. Tours will be conducted of the College with the last tour departing at 2.20pm. Bookings are not required. Parents with a child in Grade 5 are reminded that the enrolment period for the 2024 Year 7 class closes on Friday, August 19th, 2022. Please note that we do not presume that you are enrolling your child at the College and that an application is required. Current families are also welcome to attend, especially if you have not toured the facilities in some time. Please note that all adults are required to show that they are vaccinated on arrival to be permitted to enter school buildings in accordance with our CovidSafe plan. Should you have any questions please contact College Registrar, Ms Madeleine Kalla on 9259 3008.
COVID-19 Update
The advice to the College was amended slightly this week:
If a student or staff member tests positive through a rapid antigen test (RAT), but does not have symptoms or has not been in contact with anyone who has COVID-19, it is recommended that they get a PCR test within 48 hours and stay isolated until they receive their result. If the PCR test is negative, the student or staff member can return to school.
Leading Lights
Today we induct the newest group of 快播 alumni as Leading Lights. The 快播 College Leading Lights program seeks to recognise and acknowledge the outstanding achievements of former students in their specific vocation. Our 2022 candidates are Marty Alix (Arts and Entertainment), Angela Wood (Community Service), David Powell (Sport), Luke Brouwer (Service), Rebecca Glenn (Science) and Ruby Tribe (Service and Health). Unfortunately not all can make it to a celebratory cocktail party this evening, but all will be acknowledged and we will be sharing their stories so that you can appreciate their achievements.
Harmony Day - Friday, March 25
Next Friday is Harmony Day at 快播. Harmony Day is an opportunity to celebrate our cultural diversity with an emphasis on inclusiveness and mutual respect. It culminates a special week commencing on March 21 with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Thank you to those who are working on planning this day so that we can bring many different cultural experiences into our school.
Middle Years鈥 Athletics Carnival
There was great spirit at the Middle Years鈥 Athletics Carnival last Friday in absolutely beautiful weather with some special efforts from our athletes and fine cheering support from their House teams on the day. Congratulations to Dominic House on their win. Thanks to Sports Coordinator, Mr Brummell, and his team on staging a day of great fun and challenge.
EISM Swimming Championships
Well done to our swimmers on their performances at the swimming championships on Tuesday night at MSAC and congratulations to those who have qualified to compete on the championship evening. Thanks to the staff members who are making our participation possible.
CIS - Year One Visit
I am pleased to report that Ms Pam Ryan and I participated in a very successful Year One (virtual) Visit with Ms Helena Soboulis from the Council of International Schools (CIS) on Friday. We discussed both our reflections on the report from the team visit in 2021 and the goals that we have identified for inclusion in our School Improvement Plan. We received strong affirmation in regards to our strategic direction, especially with our plan to build on our understanding of intercultural learning and digital citizenship over the next four years.
School Drop Off
Please be aware that there have been concerns raised by neighbours about congestion during drop off and pick up times, especially around the Thomas St gate. Some degree of congestion is inevitable when you have hundreds of students arriving at school at the same time; however, anything that you could do to help alleviate this congestion would be greatly appreciated. For example, a drop off a couple streets away from the College and a brief walk is probably beneficial to our young people as well as easier for you as a motorist.
Advance Notice
The last day of Term 1 is Friday, April 8 and school resumes on Tuesday, April 26. We commence Term 2 with Parent Teacher Interviews on Tuesday and Thursday of this week. As a result of these interviews, school will finish at 1.05pm on Tuesday April 26 and there will be no classes on Thursday April 28. Parent Teacher Interviews will be conducted online. More information about Parent Teacher Interviews from Mr Box in this edition.
Darren Atkinson