Principal's Report

This last edition of The Lighthouse for 2021 marks the end of another challenging year as we have navigated the disruption caused by COVID-19 and the associated uncertainty in our life. It is important not to dwell on any disappointment, but to celebrate that it was also a year in which there were many memorable experiences at 快播 College. Certainly, the last few weeks have seen us finish the year strongly and students entered the period of final assessments with purpose and strong endeavour. We have also managed to include some of the large group rituals that are so valued because of their role in building collective memories. We also recognised the 60th birthday of the College with our bumper edition of Illuminare that showcased various aspects of the last six decades. We look forward with optimism that 2022 will see us return to the natural rhythm of the school year that we have so sorely missed.
We also endeavour to reach out at this time of the year and show our support for our wider community through agencies such as St Vincent de Paul. Thank you to all who have contributed through our Wishing Tree, or other opportunities, to our efforts to share joy this Christmas. Thank you especially to our College Chaplain - Fr Dispin John - who gives so generously of his time to the students and staff of our College and has celebrated mass with us over the last week. As we enter our Advent Season we wait expectantly for the birth of our saviour and the joy this brings. I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe holiday.
Celebrate Excellence @ 快播
Congratulations to all students who have achieved excellence this year. We look forward to acknowledging your achievements at our Excellence Evening on Monday, 28th February 2022. More information will come when school resumes. ATARs will be available for VCE students on December 16 and we will share a summary of these results at this time. We also look forward to sharing results of the atEast Awards for students undertaking School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
Year 9 SEB
Our Year 9 students were able to participate in the final Special Education Block, City Experience and Camp last week and, over recent weeks, many were also able to learn from operating Cafe N9ne. These types of rich experiential learning opportunities have been the most difficult to replicate in remote learning and it has been great to see the students participate with such enthusiasm when they have had the chance. All reports indicate that the students showed their appreciation of the opportunities through excellent participation and conduct.
Year 11 Formal
Our Year 11 students were able to gather and celebrate the end of a very successful year at The Grand on Cathies Lane on Monday evening. It was clear from the smiles on the evening that the students appreciated the opportunity to be able to gather as a group and enjoy the opportunity to dance. Thank you to the coordinators, Mr Paul Tato and Ms Crystal Delosa, supported by the Mentors for making this opportunity available to the students.
Year 7 2022 Orientation Day
There was great excitement on Monday as our incoming students, the graduating class of 2027, were in attendance at the College for their Orientation Day. Some of these students have not had the opportunity to visit the College on school tours, or did so some time ago, and therefore an introduction to the school environment is an important aspect of the day. The students also completed activities related to our core values and the origins of our House names.
Introducing our new Careers and Pathways Team - IMPACT
Following a review of our careers services this year and in an effort to continue to build upon the excellent resources we have available to assist students in their transition to work, study and/or further training, we welcome Ms Meredith Greenwood in a new role as Course Coordinator to the existing team of Ms Fran Jennings (Careers Counsellor), Ms Anne McLaughlin (Pathways Coordinator) and Ms Ebony Monteau (VET Coordinator). Ms Greenwood will be working with students in regards to their subject selection in particular. This team will be located in the ARC to improve accessibility for all students.
There are a number of staff retiring at the end of this year and it is fitting to acknowledge them and say thank you for their service to 快播 College: Mrs Janet Blackwell, Mr Leo Franken, Ms Julie Harding, Mr Chris Kelly and Mrs Rosie Lloyd. There are also a number who have resigned to pursue professional opportunities elsewhere and we wish the following our best wishes: Mr Andrew Bain-King, Ms Louise Clowes, Ms Sarah Doisneau, Mr Ben Johnson, Ms Heidi Johnson, Ms Cheryl Kane, Ms Jacqui Patterson, Ms Megan Sellenger, Ms Kyla Vaz and Ms Shurong Wang.
College Leadership 2022
We welcome new faces to the leadership group at the College in 2022:
- Religious Education Coordinator - Bernard Green
- Head Middle Years - Philip Box
- Year 7 & 8 - Elisa Bettiol, Andy Harrison, Sam Storey
- Year 9 - David Mulholland, Jacqui Street, Tom Wilson
- Head Senior Years - Rachel Crawley
- Year 10 - Scott Watkins, Jess Weltner
- Year 11 - Belinda de Guzman, Paul Jess
- Year 12 - Scott Buchanan, Crystal Delosa
- Director Student Services - Sharon Daley
- Campus Coordinator - Paul Tato
Commencement Dates for 2022
Monday, Jan 24 - Office opens
Tuesday, Feb 1 - Year 7 Parent Information Night
Wednesday, Feb 2 - Year 7 & 12 commence (including school photos)
Thursday, Feb 3 - Years 8 - 11 commence (including school photos)
Friday, Feb 4 - Year 7 Swim Day
Term Dates 2022 - Students
Term 1: Wednesday, 2 February (3 Feb - Year 8-11) to Friday, 8 April
Term 2: Tuesday, 26 April to Friday, 24 June
Term 3: Tuesday, 12 July to Friday, 16 September
Term 4: Tuesday, 4 October to Tuesday, 6 December
Darren Atkinson