Principal's Report

While we still have a couple of weeks before students formally end the academic year at 快播, this will serve as the last edition of The Lighthouse for 2023. There is a hive of activity at the College this week as reflected in a calendar rich with events that showcase student achievement. Like many in our graduating class, I am experiencing mixed emotions at the prospect of leaving the community that I have called home for the last 10 years. However, the process of transition to a new principal has commenced and over the last couple of weeks, we have welcomed Principal Elect, Mr David Broadbent, to the college and introduced him to our staff and student leadership team. Mr Broadbent was warmly received by both staff and students and he has shared with his audience insights into his own motivation for aspiring to lead our community and the exciting vision he holds for our ongoing improvement as a school.
College Mass
Our final College Mass, which was celebrated by Fr Dispin today, was a recognition of the year that has passed but also served as an opportunity for me to say thanks and farewell to the students. I will talk further about my gratitude for the privilege of leading 快播 College over the last decade in an upcoming edition of Illuminare. Thank you, especially to our Canonical Administrator - Fr Dispin John - who gives so generously of his time to the students and staff of our College and has celebrated mass with us this year. As we enter our Advent Season we wait expectantly for the birth of our saviour and the joy this brings. I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe holiday.
Celebrate Excellence @ 快播
Congratulations to all students who have achieved excellence this year. We look forward to acknowledging your achievements at our Celebrate Excellence Evening on Monday, 19th February 2024. More information will come when school resumes.
Valedictory Dinner
We recently gathered with our graduating class for the last time for their Valedictory Dinner at the Pullman on Albert Park. It was a joyful celebration. Thanks to Liz Grierson, Natasha Vasilou and Scott Buchanan for their organisation of the night. I took this last opportunity to talk to the students on a theme of the unique nature of their individual qualities and that they are 鈥渉andmade鈥 and loved in a world of mass production and sameness. The members of the graduating class are pursuing a range of exciting and diverse pathways. ATARs will be available for VCE students on December 11 and we will share a summary of these results around this time. We also look forward to sharing the destination data of our students undertaking School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
Year 11 Transition Week
It鈥檚 been a big week for our Year 11 students as they have commenced the transition towards Year 12 by meeting their teachers and discussing how to prepare for next year. It is also a week of celebration and the Year 11 Formal at Leonda By The Yarra on Monday night was a showcase of friendship, fashion and frivolity. Thank you to the staff who were present to supervise on the evening and especially to coordinators Andy Harrison and Jacqui Street.
Wishing Tree
Thank you to all who have contributed through our Wishing Tree, or other opportunities, to our efforts to share joy this Christmas. Once again, our request for gifts has resulted in a very generous response. Volunteers are the foundation of our social support networks and at this time of year, we are especially grateful for the work of our local St Vincent de Paul branches.
Year 9 SEB
Our Year 9 students will participate in the final Special Education Block, City Experience and Camp next week. These types of rich experiential learning opportunities are a great opportunity to test the Year 9 core value, perseverance. Thank you to the coordinators, Renee Johns, Dave Mulholland and Tom Wilson for their work to support the staff and students during this busy week especially.
Year 7 2024 Orientation Day
On Thursday, December 7 we will welcome the graduating class of 2029 to the College for the first time and take the next step in their transition into 快播. We hope that each student is looking forward with great anticipation to commencing their secondary schooling and joining the 快播 community.
Staff Farewells
There are a couple of staff retiring this year and it is fitting to acknowledge them and say thank you for their service to Peter Merritt and Malkith Kaur. There are also a number of staff who are pursuing professional opportunities elsewhere and we wish them well in their new endeavours. Thank you to Seth Baker, MJ Chard, Carol Goldsworthy, Janine Hulston, Jon Lau, Jess Jacobs, Alison Prince, Janie Readdie, Lynda Schultz and Rhiannon Ward.
40th Reunion
I have the pleasure of welcoming a group of past students celebrating their 40th reunion back for a brief tour of the College over the weekend. It is important to remember that the wonderful learning environment that we enjoy today came from humble beginnings and to be grateful to those founding teachers and families, many of whom remain connected to the College.
Commencement Dates for 2024
- Monday, 22 January - Main Office opens
- Monday, 29 January - Senior and Middle Years Office opens, Teaching Staff commence
- Tuesday, 30 January - Year 7 New Families Information Evening
- Wednesday, 31 January - Year 7 and Year 12 Commence
- Thursday, 1 February - All Students Return
Term Dates 2024 - Students
- Term 1: Thursday, 1 February (31 Jan Year 12 & 7) to Thursday, 28 March
- Term 2: Tuesday, 16 April (15 Apr Parent/Teacher Interviews - no classes) to Friday, 21 June
- Term 3: Tuesday, 16 July to Friday, 20 September
- Term 4: Monday, 7 October to Friday, 6 December
Darren Atkinson