Principal's Report

Welcome to Term 4
A belated welcome back to Term 4. I trust that you have enjoyed the break and found some opportunity to relax even if we were limited in terms of opportunities to travel and gather with family and friends. We now wait expectantly as Covid-19 lockdown restrictions are gradually eased over coming weeks.
General Achievement Test (GAT)
On Tuesday 5th October, all students studying a Unit 3/4 subject were required to sit the General Achievement Test. This was a huge undertaking even in a non Covid-19 year, but the extra health precautions required this year added an additional layer of complexity. Thanks to the Senior School leadership team whose thorough planning made for such a smooth process and to our Senior students who continue to apply themselves so diligently to their studies this year. Thank you also to the many non-teaching staff who assisted in supervision this year amongst a small band of our regular invigilators.
Roadmap to return to onsite learning in Term 4
From Thursday October 7th:
- Year 12 (VCE units 3/4 and final year VCAL
- Remote and flexible learning continues for all students in Years 7 to 11, other than for children of permitted workers and vulnerable students (including St Mary鈥檚 students who choose to learn onsite)
From Tuesday October 26th:
- Years 7 and 11 return to onsite learning full time
- Years 8 to 10 return to onsite learning for 2 days per week
- Year 8 - Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th October
- Years 9 and 10 - Thursday 28th and Friday 29th October
From Friday November 5th:
- All levels return to onsite learning full time
Returning to Onsite Learning
While many students have been eagerly awaiting the return to onsite learning and the opportunity to reconnect with their teachers and friends face to face once again, there is understandably some who will feel some trepidation and uncertainty after learning remotely for so long. Dr Michael Carr-Gregg provides advice to parents in regards to discussion of the concerns about the transition back to school with your young people:
Mid Term Break
A reminder that Monday November 1st is our mid term break and there are no scheduled classes on this date. The College will be closed to everyone except for students undertaking the VCE Psychology and Further Maths exams on this day.
Covid Safe Practices
Resources will be provided to students over the coming days and weeks to remind them of the expectations regarding behaviours that will assist in minimising the risk of Covid-19 infection. The key messages that will continue to be emphasised are:
- Stay home if unwell;
- Get tested immediately if any of the following symptoms appear: fever above 37.5 degrees Celsius, night sweats, chills, acute respiratory infection (such as cough, shortness of breath, sore throat), loss of smell, and/or loss of taste;
- Maintain good hand and cough hygiene;
- Do not share food or drink and use a water bottle (drink fountains are not allowed to be used);
- Do not share other utensils;
- Maintain social distancing as much as possible;
- Wear a fitted mask at all times;
- Minimise time at lockers by carrying essentials in a small bag during the day;
- Parents/guardians must remain in cars during drop-off and pick-up times. Only adults who have an essential role will be permitted to enter College premises;
- Ventilation in classrooms will be increased and we are also expecting to receive air purifiers as they are rolled out as part of a Victorian government initiative.
Darren Atkinson