Principal's Report

End of Term 3
This is the last edition of The Lighthouse for this term and, as we come to the end of a busy Term 3, I would like to offer my congratulations to our students for their perseverance and continued focus. I would also like to offer my thanks to staff for their efforts to continue to provide high quality learning opportunities and environments in which learning can flourish. For our Year 12 cohort who are sitting VCE exams, there are days of revision classes and practise exams set for the holidays which will have been shared with students already. Thank you to our staff for being available over the break to run these classes. I wish all students, staff and our families a safe and restful break over the upcoming holiday period.
New Caledonia trip
This week we wished bon voyage to a group of staff and students who are on the first international study tour since COVID hit our shores. The fortunate travellers are in New Caledonia where there will be ample opportunity to enhance their French language speaking skills. We look forward to hearing about the trip on their return.
Office hours during the holidays
The main reception office is closed in a physical sense, over the break. However the phone will be answered by those in Administration who will be onsite each day from 8am-4pm.The ARC will be open both weeks from 8am-4pm. Please remember that Friday 29th is a public holiday so no one will be onsite on this day.
First day Term 4:
Students return to school on Tuesday October 3rd. On Monday October 2nd, staff are involved in a Professional Development day.
Term 4 sees the gradual change back to summer uniform. This includes the College hat. Please refresh yourself with the expectations and requirements for uniform as per the Uniform Policy and ensure that your child is aware of uniform requirements.
Please note that the only option for an outer garment to and from school in summer is either the summer dress, the blazer, or the white short sleeve shirt with the 快播 emblem on the pocket. On no occasion is the College jumper permitted to be worn as an outer garment to or from school.
Darren Atkinson