Principal's Report

Spirit Week
Our student leaders have done an amazing job this week in promoting College spirit and wellbeing with a daily newsletter outlining a diverse array of excellent activities in which students may participate. From chalk drawing, watercolour painting, ukulele tutorials, yoga, chess championships, magic skills, trivia nights, relaxation sessions and daily exercise workouts, there have been some great ideas to encourage creativity and wellbeing. The leaders have also communicated practical suggestions about seeking support from the YFC. It is an outstanding student initiative and I want to thank our student leadership team for being so proactive in promoting the wellbeing of their peers.
Remote Learning Update
The Premier announced yesterday that there will be no return to onsite learning for Term 3 and a plan for Term 4 will be announced at a later date. While this is disappointing, it came as little surprise given the rising numbers in our community with Covid-19. We are conscious that motivation levels amongst the students are highly variable and an increasing number are showing a decline in engagement in their classes. This is not surprising as Week 8 of Term 3 is a notoriously challenging period in the academic calendar even in an uninterrupted year, as we come out of the depths of winter. As the sun starts to shine and the days grow longer our moods also seem to lift and we tend to become energised and look forward with more optimism. We are continually reviewing the online learning plan and supporting teachers in making adjustments to suit their classes.
Onsite Supervision of Students
The existing arrangements in regards to onsite supervision of students of authorised workers and those deemed vulnerable remain unchanged. Other students who need to access the site to collect essential resources will be permitted during the designated times as communicated by Dr Rodezno. Should these times not be suitable you should contact Dr Rodezno
Arrangements for Students Studying Year 12 Subjects
To ensure our Senior Students have certainty and are ready for Year 12 exams, the Premier announced that from Tuesday 7 September to Friday 17 September, the Victorian Government will put in place a priority vaccination program. As part of this program, Year 12 students will be given priority booking access at state-run clinics, as will teachers and those supervising exams. Students and teachers will need to book an appointment, as walk-ups will not be available. Students and teachers will be able to book one of these priority appointments from Monday 6 September. The Department of Health and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) will work directly with schools, and students and parents will receive advice on how to arrange a booking through their school. We are expecting that a special hotline number will be provided to help facilitate priority access to appointments. This information will be communicated to families as it becomes available.
The Premier also announced that the General Achievement Test (GAT) will be postponed to Tuesday 5 October. This means that next Thursday, September 9 will now proceed as a normal school day.
Darren AtkinsonPrincipal
Please refer to our latest Covid-19 updates page for ongoing information.