Principal's Report

Embrace your Spirit - Discover your Place
We enter the season of subject selection and feedback on progress informed by parent / teacher interviews over the next few weeks. For students making choices about their subjects for the first time, it can be both exciting and maybe a little daunting. Those who have been through the process before have probably learnt the importance of choosing subjects wisely based on good information. It is a guided process and we put parameters in place to ensure that the requirements of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) are met and, as importantly, to promote education of the 鈥渨hole person鈥. 快播 prides itself on offering a pathway for every young person.
There will be some interruption to our normal timetables as a result of these events and I appreciate that school closure can add complexity in your home organisation. Thank you, in advance, for your support. We want to continue to offer opportunities outside of normal school hours so that working families have greater flexibility. We received this as feedback following the first round of parent teacher interviews that were conducted during school hours. We endeavour to balance this against an obligation to our teachers in regards to their workloads.
Date | Event | Student req. | Staff req. |
Tuesday, August 15
VCE P/T Interviews (online)
Student Free Day (ARC open normal school hours)
Professional Practice Time (PPT) for Teachers
Thursday, August 24
Yr 7 P/T Interviews and Subject Expo Yrs 8-10 (onsite)
Student Free Day (ARC open normal school hours)
Professional Practice Time (PPT) for Teachers
Friday, August 25
Staff Spirituality Day
Student Free Day (school closed)
Whole Staff Professional Development
Subject Selection Expo - August 24
Between 2pm and 8pm on August 24, the College will be open and subject teachers available to provide advice and guidance in regards to the selection of subjects for 2024. It is important to try and get as much information as possible to assist in making good decisions about next year. Mr Michael Box provides more information about the expo in this edition.
Staff Spirituality Day - August 25
Advance notice that August 25 is dedicated in our calendar towards the formation of our staff in regards to their roles and responsibilities as educators in a Catholic school. Students do not attend school on this date.
Year 7 2024 Information Night
The first Information Night for guardians of students joining 快播 for Year 7 in 2024 was held on Tuesday night. There was a lot of information shared on the evening about both the process from here and some suggestions of strategies for parents/carers if their young person is anxious about this next stage of their learning journey. Thanks to those who came along to the evening and we hope that you found it helpful.
This is also the final reminder to 快播 families regarding enrolment in Year 7 in 2025. Applications close on August 19 and there are no guarantees that places will be available for applications received after this deadline.
Year 8 Camps
The feedback from Year 8 Camp participants over the last two weeks has been very positive and many students have found that overcoming the physical challenges posed on the camp is very rewarding. Special thanks to Camps Coordinator, Mr Jon Lau, Team Leaders, and to the staff who have made this experience available to our students through their willingness to contribute their time and pastoral care.
Seussical The Musical
Our College Production, Seussical The Musical, was staged this week and it was a delight to be able to join the audience on Thursday evening. With two casts and live music, it was an amazing example of cooperation and dedication in staging such an enjoyable performance. While there are hours of preparation required to stage such a high quality show, it is the joy that emanates from the face of our young performers as they step into the spotlight that tells you that this is a worthwhile endeavour. Congratulations to Ms Paola Unger, Director, the Production Team, including Ms Gina Goss, Ms Emily McKenzie, Ms Kate Chamberlain, Mr Jared Campbell, Ms Maryanne Leavey, Mr Brett Donohue, Ms Alysia Silvagni, Ms Lauren Bourke, Ms Jennifer Roussos, the cast and crew for a most enjoyable production.
P&F Trivia Night
Thank you to our Parents & Friends Association for their work to stage our P&F Trivia Night last Friday. Those who attended enjoyed a fun night of good-hearted rivalry. Thanks to Ms Rebecca Presta (quizmaster), Ms Brodi Stone, Ms Meaghan Sadler, Ms Penny Tudor, Ms Sherie Robertson supported by the other members of the 快播 Parents & Friends Network and a number of student volunteers during the evening. Thank you to the local businesses and other generous supporters who donated excellent prizes for the raffle.
College Reception
Recent visitors to the College may have observed that College Reception is now located in the Middle Years Building. This brings reception geographically closer to the front of the College and makes it a lot easier to find for visitors. It has been tastefully isolated from the main gathering space for acoustic separation and to assist with meeting our child safety obligations. Thank you to Mr Luke Russ, Mr Jeremy Coburn and Ms Maddy Kalla who worked on this project over the recent holidays and to the trades who executed the design so professionally.
Darren Atkinson